Friday, December 27, 2013

As I reread Othello to determine how I will engage you in the text, I find myself questioning why I find this particular story line intriguing, and I am reminded that Shakespeare's work transcends the ages. 


Is it so difficult to believe that you could fall in love with someone who others find inappropriate for you? Or that you might find yourself questioning whether you are "good enough" for that person? Or maybe, that others, jealous of your good fortune in love and life, seek to do you harm? 

Shakespeare oversimplified? Sure, but it works, and here's why: 

1. If you can first connect with the text on a personal level, it will help you begin to make sense of the language, its intricacies and nuances. 

2. If you can identify with the thematic concepts in the play, you will find analyzing the meaning much easier, which means you can analyze at a much deeper level. 

3. If you can analyze the meaning at a deep level, you can understand how the devices Shakespeare uses add to the complexity of the play, which will help you understand why "it" works - even 400ish years later. 

4. If you can learn to appreciate Shakespeare's ideas on why people act as they do...more on that later. 

Final thoughts -- Shakespeare did not deal much in symbols, but he was politically savvy. Ask yourself what was happening in England in 1604? Why make Othello black? What purpose did that serve for Shakespeare in both a political and commercial sense?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Voicethread Group

Click the following link to join my group on Voicethread. This will (hopefully) allow you to more easily access my topics and see the responses of your fellow classmates.

Subscribe to My Voicethread

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Voicethread #2

New Voicethread - remember - appropriateness is important.  Develop your idea and give others something to say back to you.  This should be interactive.

Who Is Responsible?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Franky - Are You Reading?

Have you been reading Frankenstein?  I hope so.  It's a great story - the creature, or monster, whose name is Victor, is really scary and mean.  Keep reading.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Voicethread Accounts

If you were in my English II Pre-AP class, you may still have an active account on Voicethread.  Please check with me before opening a new account.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


The link below will take you to a Voicethread discussion prompt.  Read my comment for the prompt and directions.

Symbolism in Colors Voicethread


Go to your Google account and answer the Frankenstein Anticipation Guide  Your school Google login is your First Class  The password is stu + the last five #s of your social security number.   If you have a personal Google account, you may use that instead of the school account.  Either way, you should take this survey BEFORE 5th period today.   Someone needs to pass the word to Christian :)
Me crying if you don't finish this by 5th period.
That's you in the background looking all sad.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Your thoughts?

As we begin reading Frankenstein, I am interested in your thoughts about some of the topics and thematic elements covered in the novel.  Use Google to answer the anticipation guide - your responses are anonymous, but be prepared to defend your answers.

Frankenstein Anticipation Guide

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Cathedral and Archie Bunker

While reviewing the week's plans, I realized Archie Bunker could play a pivotal role in our discussion of The Cathedral and its narrow minded narrator.  Watch the clips and note the similarities between Archie and the narrator.   What are your thoughts on Archie?  Do you like his character? What do you think the creator of All In The Family wanted to convey to its audience?  What does Raymond Carver want to convey to his audience as they read the transformation of the narrator?  Can a television show use indirect characterization or is it direct by definition?  Which did you prefer - the short story or the video clips?  Which character do you understand better? Why?